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Nove di Bassano - Pair of sprinklers decorated with pagodas - Eighteenth century - SOLD

Pair of Nove di Bassano earthenware shakers with blue monochrome decoration of pagodas and buildings surrounded by flowering branches - Eighteenth century. 

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Pair of Nove di Bassano earthenware shakers with blue monochrome decoration of pagodas and buildings surrounded by flowering branches.

Eighteenth century.

High: 16.5cm

A shock on a perfectly restored one.

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Nove di Bassano - Pair of sprinklers decorated with pagodas - Eighteenth century - SOLD

Nove di Bassano - Pair of sprinklers decorated with pagodas - Eighteenth century - SOLD

Pair of Nove di Bassano earthenware shakers with blue monochrome decoration of pagodas and buildings surrounded by flowering branches - Eighteenth century.