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Lyon earthenware plate decorated with grotesques - Eighteenth century - SOLD

Lyon earthenware plate with eight lobes with polychrome decoration in the middle of a scene presenting on three terraces two grotesque figures and a curious bird, flowered mounds around the scene and blue nets on the border - Eighteenth century 

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Lyon earthenware plate with eight lobes with polychrome decoration in the middle of a scene presenting on three terraces two grotesque figures

and a curious bird, flowered mounds around the scene and blue nets on the border.

Good condition, some enamel cracks, beautiful enamel.

Eighteenth century

Diameter: 23.5cm

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Lyon earthenware plate decorated with grotesques - Eighteenth century - SOLD

Lyon earthenware plate decorated with grotesques - Eighteenth century - SOLD

Lyon earthenware plate with eight lobes with polychrome decoration in the middle of a scene presenting on three terraces two grotesque figures and a curious bird, flowered mounds around the scene and blue nets on the border - Eighteenth century