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Majolica of Urbino - End of the XVIth - VENDU

Urbino Majolica table salt shaker with oval shape polychrome decoration of four grenades.

Late sixteenth - Early seventeenth century

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Urbino Majolica table salt shaker with oval shape polychrome decoration of four grenades.

Some égrenures at the edge of the "pavilion"

Two fragments restored at the base (photo before restoration available on request)

Long: 11cm - High: 9cm.

Late sixteenth - Early seventeenth century


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Majolica of Urbino - End of the XVIth - VENDU

Majolica of Urbino - End of the XVIth - VENDU

Urbino Majolica table salt shaker with oval shape polychrome decoration of four grenades.

Late sixteenth - Early seventeenth century