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China - Goblet and its saucer with Imari decoration - Eighteenth century

380,00 €

Goblet and its saucer with blue, red and gold decoration called Imari of floral reserves alternated with flower panels in gilding on a coral background. Eighteenth century - Kangxi period

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Goblet and its saucer with blue, red and gold decoration called Imari of floral reserves alternated with flower panels in gilding

on a coral background.

Eighteenth century - Kangxi period

Slight égrenures restored on the edge of the cup.

Height: 7.5 cm - Diameter: 13.5 cm

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China - Goblet and its saucer with Imari decoration - Eighteenth century

China - Goblet and its saucer with Imari decoration - Eighteenth century

Goblet and its saucer with blue, red and gold decoration called Imari of floral reserves alternated with flower panels in gilding on a coral background. Eighteenth century - Kangxi period